Patron Complaint Policy

SAILS Patron Complaint Policy

Purpose – to provide a method for patrons to submit complaints to the SAILS board about SAILS network policies and procedures.

The board of the SAILS Library Network will respond in writing to your complaint within 45 days of receipt. The board policy will only respond to issues that relate to network policy and not to policies established by individual member libraries.


  1. Each library will have a supply of Patron Complaint Forms.
  2. A patron with a complaint about network policy must complete a written Patron Complaint Form to the library that has issued his/her card.
  3. The library director should review the complaint to make sure that the complaint doesn’t pertain to library policy rather than network policy.
  4. If it is a valid complaint, the written complaint form should be sent to the Executive Director of SAILS.
  5. The Executive Director will send a copy of the complaint to the SAILS Board.
  6. The SAILS board will consider the complaint at its next meeting. A written response will be mailed to the patron.
  7. If the patron is dissatisfied with the response, they may request an opportunity to speak to the board. The board will set aside time for public comment at the beginning of its next meeting. The SAILS business meeting will convene following the public comment period.
  8. The SAILS board will decide how to respond to the patron at its next meeting and will submit its response in writing to the patron. That decision will be final.