General circulation policies
- Any library can set its own loan policies and fine rates for materials loaned from their library.
- Libraries may choose when to set items to Lost and how they want to bill the patron, however, libraries must comply with network policies regarding payment for lost books belonging to another library. Libraries are required to honor blocked or barred status on all patrons.
- Patrons may pay for any fines for overdue items at any member library. The library collecting the fine may keep the fine.
- Lost items payments may be made at the library where the item was borrowed, though the item's owning library records the payment when it is received.
- Patrons who want to clear their record immediately may use the Credit Card payment option in Enterprise. This will clear the patron’s record immediately
Your library card
- Public library patrons may register for a card at any SAILS public library.
- Public library cards may be renewed at any public library.
- Barcodes and/or cards may be replaced at any public library.
Policy – Out of State Borrowers
- Libraries may choose whether or not to issue library cards to out-of-state borrowers.
- Cards are only good for 12 months
- The network shall establish a minimum annual fee for a card for out-of-state borrowers. The minimum fee is charged per family.
- Any borrower that purchases an out of state card at the network minimum shall have access to all the network resources.
- Cards purchased below the network minimum are only valid at the library that issues the card.
- Libraries may choose to issue in-state cards to out-of-state residents who work in the Massachusetts or attend school in Massachusetts.
Registering for a library card
Policy for physical cards are set by individual libraries.
Register online for an e-Card.
- Online registrations become active immediately.
- You can place up to 5 holds
- Get into the online magazines & newspapers
- Checkout and download Overdrive books & music
Further resources: