
Go to the Catalog:

goodreads_icon Link to SAILS from GoodReads

When you find books in GoodReads and want to immediately check the SAILS Network to place the title on hold, set yourself up to have a single click search the network by following these steps.

    1. Log into GoodReads.
    2. Go to your profile by clicking on your icon in the upper right of the page.
    3. Click on the "edit profile" link next to your name. You'll be on a page called "Account Settings".
    4. Click on the "book links" tab.
    5. On the right, you'll see a list of popular links. Change the sort to "alphabetical" and go to about page 6. Here you'll find a link to the SAILS Library Network.
    6. Click the "add" link and then you'll see it appear in your "Customize My Links" list on the left of the page.
    7. Here you can move the SAILS link up so it will appear when you're on a title and want to see if it's available at the network.


Library Extension

The #1 Browser Extension that lets you instantly see book and e-book availability from your local library. It's great to be able to have an instant check of the library catalog, from any page that has an isbn.  

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Mostly fiction LGBTQ+