Go to the Catalog:
Link to SAILS from GoodReads
When you find books in GoodReads and want to immediately check the SAILS Network to place the title on hold, set yourself up to have a single click search the network by following these steps.
- Log into GoodReads.
- Go to your profile by clicking on your icon in the upper right of the page.
- Click on the "edit profile" link next to your name. You'll be on a page called "Account Settings".
- Click on the "book links" tab.
- On the right, you'll see a list of popular links. Change the sort to "alphabetical" and go to about page 6. Here you'll find a link to the SAILS Library Network.
- Click the "add" link and then you'll see it appear in your "Customize My Links" list on the left of the page.
- Here you can move the SAILS link up so it will appear when you're on a title and want to see if it's available at the network.
Library Extension
The #1 Browser Extension that lets you instantly see book and e-book availability from your local library. It's great to be able to have an instant check of the library catalog, from any page that has an isbn.