
designates patron pages

Library Closings

Libraries need to close for various reasons and it's always best to look at the individual library's announcements. At the network, we try to share a group posting when we know of several libraries closing together. Here is a spreadsheet of libraries we know of, who will be closing because of the upcoming bad weather - SAILS Library Closings.

New and Improved eCard Registration Service

July 10th, we'll turn on the new eCard registration form. This is being LSTA funded through the MBLC for eight of the MA networks; CLAMS, CW/MARS, MVLC, MBLN, MLN, NOBLE, OCLN, and SAILS.  We've been allowing patrons to register for online cards for several years now, however we never had control over who was registering. Now we do, with the Quipu service. We've contracted with them to provide a basic user lookup, based on street address and last name. They will also check our system for duplicate cards. Much of the patron record will be updated automatically, and if the patron wants to come into the library to get a permanent card, other than their profile, the card will be properly filled out. Here are the basic rules for how this will work. Thank you to the circulation policy committee for helping fine-tune the process.

Who should be eligible to sign up for an eCard through SAILS?

  1. Massachusetts residents only:
    1. This is a change from the current online card signup form, which allows anyone to register for a card.
    2. Out-of-state residents who work and go to school in a SAILS community also will be ineligible. SAILS libraries have different policies on how to handle these patrons.
  2. Age requirements:
    1. Must be 13 or older to register
    2. Teens between the ages of 13-15 must supply a parent email address. A notification saying the new card was created, will be sent to this address.
    3. Ages 16 and up will get a standard eCard registration with no parental notification. 

What Profile Will Patrons Get? How will we manage physical lending for these accounts?

  1. For verified online registrants in a SAILS community:
    1. SAILSOU (SAILS Online User) profile
    2. Allow five holds and checkouts  (checkouts only circ for one day)
    3. One year expiration
  2. For verified online registrants outside of SAILS, but in MA:
    1. MASSOU (MASS Online User) profile
    2. Allow five holds and checkouts  (checkouts only circ for one day)
    3. One year expiration
    4. Different profile gives the library flexibility for preventing access to some online resources if desired.
  3. For provisional cards where the address is not verified:
    1.  OUREG (Online User Registration) profile
    2. Allow five holds and checkouts  (checkouts only circ for one day)
    3. Three week expiration
  4. The barcode prefix will match the library’s current prefix, but will start with a ‘5’ instead of a ‘2.’
    1. This will also make it easy for libraries to determine if they want to authorize an online card for local online content or not.
  5. When patrons visit the library, they will need to follow a similar process to what is done today to upgrade their card to a three-year card that borrows materials.

Which library will be assigned to each online patron?

  1. SAILS will continue to allow patrons to select a library. 

What data will be populated in the record for an online user?

  1. All name data we currently collect, with the option of adding a preferred name and checking a box to use that preferred name in all communications.
  2. The address that will be used for verification purposes will need to be entered as Address 1 and it must be in Massachusetts. 
  3. Email address (required), phone number, cell phone number (separate from phone number and used if the patron wants SMS notifications.)
  4. Date of birth - this will also be used for determining the user category 1.
  5. User category 2 will be based on the entered town/city of the address.
  6. NOHISTORY or ALLCHARGES - do you want to keep a history of the items you check out?
  7. Preferred notification method  - depending on this selection, they will be required to enter a cell phone or regular phone.

What data will not be populated in the record for an online user?

  1. Preferred language - only a few libraries have requested that this info be maintained.
  2. User groups
  3. Address 2
  4. Parent information in a ℅ field - only five libraries responding to the survey responded that they collect this information.
  5. Newsletter opt-in - varying policies among libraries. Even those who request this info from patrons don’t store it in Workflows.

Duplicate checking

Duplicate checking will be done by rejecting an account where there is an existing record matching the last name and date of birth. There are some edge cases where registrations will fail (e.g. twins), but, in Quipu’s experience, adding a first name to duplicate checking results in too many duplicate records being created.

Retaining patron information in eCard system?

Quipu stores 30 days of accepted and rejected registrations. This could be useful for troubleshooting.


Based on survey results. Brazilian Portuguese ranked high, but, after discussing the results with the Board, we agreed that it is close enough to European Portuguese to support just one Portuguese form. This makes room for both Russian and Hindi, which received an equal number of votes.

  • Portuguese
  • Spanish
  • Haitian Creole
  • French
  • Chinese
  • Arabic
  • Russian
  • Hindi

Get a Library Card Hindi

Online Registration

Don't have a barcode?

Register now for a temporary library card.

  • Online registrations become active immediately.
  • You can place up to 5 holds
  • Get into the online magazines & newspapers
  • Checkout and download Overdrive books & music
  • *You have 3 weeks to come to the library with identification to pick up your card.
  • *If you are under 18, you may need to have a parent or legal guardian co- sign your registration when you pick up your physical card.
  • *If you live outside of MA, you may be assessed a fee for a library card.

Please contact your hometown library for further information on specific registration policies.

Получить библиотечную карту

У вас нет библиотечной карты?

Зарегистрироваться сейчас на электронную библиотечную карту. Ваша карта начинает работать немедленно и позволяет вам:

  • заказать до пяти наименований в каталоге SAILS
  • получать онлайн-журналы и газеты
  • скачивать электронные книги и музыку через приложение Overdrive
  • Вы также получите доступ к интернет-ресурсам, доступным через вашу местную библиотеку.

Вы имете право на получение электронной карты, если вы:

  • живете в Массачусетсе
  • вам 13 лет или больше (подростки в возрасте от 13 до 15 лет должны указать адрес электронной почты родителя или опекуна)
  • не имете библиотечной карты SAILS

Электронные карты можно обменять на физические библиотечные карты в любой библиотеке SAILS. Если вам еще не исполнилось 18 лет, вам может потребоваться, чтобы родитель или законный опекун подписал вашу регистрационную форму. Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с вашей местной библиотекой для получения дополнительной информации о конкретных правилах регистрации.

التسجيل للحصول علي بطاقة المكتبة

التسجيل للحصول علي بطاقة المكتبة
ليس لديك رقم بطاقة؟

يمكنك الإنخراط الان للحصول علي البطاقة الرقمية . يمكنك إستعمال البطاقة

فورا وتخول لك:
وضع خمس حجوزات Sails كتلوك*
الولوج للمجلات و الصحف الرقمية*
الولوج و تنزيل الكتب و الموسيقى من مكتبات Sails
يمكنك أيضا إستعمال الموارد لإلكترونية المتاحة من المكتبة الخاصة بك عبرSails
أنت مؤهل للحصول على البطاقة الإلكترونية إذا كنت:
تقطن في ولاية ماساشيوستش
عمرك 13 عاما أو أكثر(على الأطفال ما بين 13 و 15 عاما الإدلاء بالبريد الإلكتروني
للوالي الشرعي/ القانوني)
ليس لديك بطاقة مكتبة الرقمية عبر Sails

يمكن ترقية البطاقة الإلكترونية إلى بطاقة مادية في أي مكتبة تابعة ل Sails
إذا كان عمرك أقل من 18 سنة ستحتاج لموافقة الوالى الشرعي/القانوني لسحب البطاقة المادية.
الرجاء الإتصال بمكتبتك المحلية للمزيد من المعلومات حول عملية الإنخراط

المرجو إستعمال الحروف اللآثنية لملئ الإستمارة

Obtenir une carte de bibliothèque

Vous n'avez pas de code-barres ?

Inscrivez-vous maintenant pour une carte de bibliothèque temporaire.

  • Les inscriptions en ligne deviennent actives immédiatement.
  • placez jusqu'à cinq cales dans le catalogue SAILS
  • accéder aux magazines et journaux en ligne
  • Découvrez et téléchargez des livres et de la musique Overdrive

Veuillez contacter la bibliothèque de votre ville pour plus d'informations sur les politiques d'inscription spécifiques.

Obtenga una tarjeta de biblioteca

¿Ud. no tiene un código de barras?

Regístrese ahora para obtener una tarjeta electrónica. Su tarjeta electrónica se activa inmediatamente y le permite:

  • reservar hasta cinco cosas en el catálogo de SAILS
  • leer las revistas y periódicos en línea
  • leer libros y escuchar a la música de Overdrive

También puede acceder a los recursos electrónicos disponibles a través de su biblioteca SAILS local.

Usted puede obtener una tarjeta electrónica si:

  • vive en Massachusetts
  • tiene 13 años de edad o más (los adolescentes entre 13 y 15 años deben proporcionar la dirección de correo electrónico de un padre o guardián legal)
  • aún no tiene una tarjeta de biblioteca en la red SAILS

Las tarjetas electrónicas se pueden cambiar a tarjetas de biblioteca físicas en cualquier biblioteca de SAILS. Si tiene menos de 18 años, es posible que que uno de sus padres o un guardián legal necesite firmar firme conjuntamente su registro. Comuníquese con la biblioteca para obtener más información sobre políticas de registro específicas.

Obtenha um Cartão da Biblioteca

Não tem código de barras?

Registe-se agora para um eCard. Seu eCard fica ativo imediatamente e permite que você:

  • coloque até cinco reservas no catálogo SAILS
  • acesse revistas e jornais online
  • requisite, baixe livros e música do Overdrive
  • Você também pode aceder a recursos eletrônicos disponíveis na biblioteca SAILS local.

Você é elegível para um eCard se:

  • vive em Massachusetts
  • têm 13 anos ou mais (adolescentes entre 13 e 15 anos devem fornecer o endereço de e-mail de um dos pais ou responsável)
  • ainda não possui um cartão através de uma biblioteca SAILS

Os eCards podem ser atualizados para cartões físicos de biblioteca em qualquer biblioteca SAILS. Se for menor de 18 anos, pode ser necessário que um dos pais ou responsável legal assine seu registo ao levantar seu cartão. Entre em contato com a sua biblioteca local para obter mais informações sobre as políticas de registo específicas.



现在就注册电子借书证. 您的电子借书证可以让您立刻从事以下事项:

  • 从图书馆目录中保留住最多5本您想借阅的书籍或音像资料
  • 检索电子杂志和报刊
  • 借阅和下载图书馆目录应用程序Overdrive中的书本和音乐

    如果您符合以下条件, 您就可以获得借书证
  • 居住在麻萨诸塞州
  • 年满13岁或多或13岁以上 (13-15的青少年必须提供父母或监护人的电子邮件地址)
  • 没有SAILS图书馆的借书卡电子借书证可以在任何SAILS图书馆升级成正式的借书卡. 如果您未满18岁, 当您在领取正式借书卡的时候, 可以让您的父母或监护人陪同前往, 一起在注册表上签名. 请联系您所居住的城镇图书馆获取更多的信息和注册规定.

注意: 请用拉丁字母填写此表.

Get a Library Card Haitian Creole

Online Registration

Don't have a barcode?

Register now for a temporary library card.

  • Online registrations become active immediately.
  • You can place up to 5 holds
  • Get into the online magazines & newspapers
  • Checkout and download Overdrive books & music
  • *You have 3 weeks to come to the library with identification to pick up your card.
  • *If you are under 18, you may need to have a parent or legal guardian co- sign your registration when you pick up your physical card.
  • *If you live outside of MA, you may be assessed a fee for a library card.

Please contact your hometown library for further information on specific registration policies.