
The BINGO Bonus: Using Passive Programming to Increase Patron Awareness of Library Services

Jessica Block, Ames Free Library

As libraries reintroduce themselves to their communities, how can we keep patrons engaged with all that we have to offer?

From January through March 2022, the Ames Free Library offered patrons of all ages the chance to participate in a Winter BINGO game through the READsquared platform. Over 70% of registered adults actively participated in the game that featured prompts for reading and exploring a variety of library resources. Feedback from participants following the program showed increased knowledge of library services and a desire to use the library more often. Our presentation will show how to plan and implement a scalable and transferable (READsquared or similar online platforms are not required!) BINGO program that provides a fun and interactive way for patrons to engage with or learn about the library.

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Project Giving

Rose Mamakos, Bridgewater Public Library

This is a program that runs all year long that promotes giving to your local charities. We have donation drives that change monthly. A new organization every month. It draws your community together while helping those in need. We would explain what has worked for our library and community and how we get the word out. This would be presented by Jenny Bailey and myself. I will present on the details of the project and Jenny would discuss the advertising aspect.

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Outdoor Summer Reading Events at the Foxboro Public Library

Are you looking for a fun and exciting way to host large outdoor events and promote your Library? Does your town have beautiful parks, playgrounds, or a common? This presentation will explore the logistics of outdoor programming from getting to know your host; to parking, trash, and electricity; to working with other town departments. Slides will include photos from the 2021 Summer Reading Program at the Boyden Library, such as the Teddy Bear Picnic, Police and Fire Storytimes, and hiking and crafts at the Lane Property conservation site.

Jessica Henderson

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Adopt a Reading Pal

We had kids come in and adopt a stuffed puppy to read to. We had activities to go along with the adoption: play center with vet clinic and bath, storytime, a walk around the library. At the end, kids received a prize and a certificate of completion.

Diane White & Lisa Kelly, Somerset Public Library

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