patron services

pages/posts related to patron service; opac, comcat, overdrive

Pembroke Public Library – Read & Bead

View the Read & Bead Bookmarks

Melissa McCleary is currently the Youth Services Librarian at Pembroke Public Library, serving all ages from 0 to 18 and their families. She has published works on children's literature in "Pennsylvania Libraries: Research and Practice" in 2014 and "Library Trends" in 2016. She has also presented today's topic, Read & Bead, as a webinar and at two Massachusetts conferences with even more to share now from continued experience.

Mattapoisett Free Public Library – 3D Printing


Elizabeth Sherry has been the Adult Services and Reference Librarian at the Mattapoisett Free Public Library for almost 9 years, but like most people in a small library she does a little bit of everything, including: Young Adult Services and programming, tech services, and makerspace services, which is how she ended up becoming the resident 3D printing operator overseeing the development of her library's 3D printing services.

West Bridgewater Public Library – Take Apart Table & Podcasting

View the tip sheet for running these two programs.

Ellen Snoeyenbos is a 2001 graduate if the Simmons GSLIS program, Ellen is the Library Director in West Bridgewater and has been for 2 years. Before that time, she was the Young Adult/Reference Librarian in Duxbury for 17 years. She has been interested in alternative programming in libraries for some time and enjoys bringing unusual and interactive experiences into the library setting. She has found her current staff very open to new ideas and willing to try new things.

Ashley Warren is a graduate of Syracuse University and is currently the Children's Program Assistant and Cataloger at the WBPL.
She has two elementary age children who are readers and enjoy trying new things at the library with their mom! Ashley is an enthusiast for new modes of content, new programs, and reaching out to new demographics in town.

Boyden Library – Canva

Christina began her library career at Springfield City Library and worked there for a total of three years. She spent two and half years working for Business Betties, a boutique branding and design firm, where she learned the importance of smart design, branding, blogging, and great photography. Now at the Boyden Library for the past year, her goal is to bring her experience and knowledge to promote Boyden Library and the SAILS network and all it has to offer. For more info, resources, or questions please contact Christina at

View the helpful handout on using Canva

Novelist Info

Get your library's links to NoveList and NoveList k-8. These you can use on your website, in your library and anywhere you want to share your subscription.

Find out some fun ways to use NoveList.

View a tutorial showing available features.

Promote NoveList at your library with these great resources from Ebsco.

Novel Novelist Ideas

  1. Start on Novelist.
  2. Create a personal Novelist account for you or a generic one for your library.
  3. Search for the titles you want and add them to a list.
pinterest2Create a Pinterest Board & add a widget to your website, linking to Novelist. Yes, this is a bit cumbersome so if someone finds a simpler way, comment below!
  1. Email yourself your Novelist list
  2. Install the pinterest browser button.
  3. Create a board for your topic.
  4. From the email, right click on a book jacket and click on the pinterest icon to save the image to a board.
  5. Say yes when prompted to view PIN
  6. When you view the PIN, you'll see the option to edit it.
  7. Go back to the email, right click on the title and select to copy link address.
  8. Go back to edit the PIN and change the website to the one you just copied from the email.
  9. View your board in pinterest
  10. Click on the ellipsis (...) above the board title and choose to make a widget.
  11. You'll be brought to a page where your widget is available to put on your website.
Create a Booksite ePage to post on your website
  1. Go back to your list in Novelist.
  2. View the source of the web page - right click and select to view source.
  3. Search the page for the term, isbn. This will highlight all the places on the page that have the isbn for the selected titles.
  4. Copy and paste these isbns into a new ePage in booksite and you'll have duplicate lists for people to view the titles first starting in our catalog or starting in Novelist.
  5. Once the page is created, you can go to the ePage settings and generate the code for the "full list content display - (no skin)".
  6. Take the code and copy and paste it into your website. You will need to edit the html. See here for an example of an ePage on this website.
Post list to FaceBook Be sure to include a nice cover jacket to go with your list. Overdrive Add titles to Overdrive curated list and share the list using a direct link:

Novelist – ePage Example

NoveList_Plus_Flyer_ILoveBooks_Romantic Do you know as a patron of a SAILS member library, you have access to the terrific reader's advisory tool, Novelist? Since we have NovelistPlus, content spans all ages! The subscription started on July 1st and in the Enterprise catalog, you can go to the item details page and view the added content from Novelist. You can also go direct to Novelist. We currently have a page on the SAILS website you can log in after selecting your library. Here is the page: There is also a powerpoint tutorial showing available features.

Managing Message Boards in Your Library

Click on a post title to view the whole article.
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Problem Item Form

Thanks to Melissa Campbell for suggesting the use of this form for items being returned with a problem.   You may use this customizable form for when you check in an item and you need to alert the library where the item is headed that there is something wrong with it. Maybe it has a part missing or damaged and the receiving library will know right away.  It is in Word Format so you save the form with the name of your library in the space that has From **your**  Library. It is possible to use the check-in notes to achieve the same thing but that does require that the library staff member discharging the to item to read the note and sometimes you may not want to discharge the item until the problem has been solved. The form is posted here