Place hold steps:
- Click on the Place Hold Wizard
- Enter the patron's barcode. If unknown, search using the User Search helper
- Enter the item barcode. If unknown, search using the Item Search helper
- The default pickup location is your library. This may be changed.
- Select title level
- Select system range
- Click the "Place Hold" button.
View the holds manual for full details.
Clean Holds Shelf
Available holds expire after a set number of days. This is usually 7 work days, depending on the library. When you make a hold available, WorkFlows enters a "pickup by" date into the hold record. If the patron does not pick up the item by that date, the hold is cancelled and then moved on to the next person in the queue or routed for transit or reshelving. The expired hold appears on the daily Clean Holds Shelf report.
If the clean holds shelf items aren’t handled properly it can generate a notice and a patron is notified in error that an item is available for pickup. If you are discharging or checking the item status, and you don’t select the option to put the item in transit it appears to be on the shelf in the system even when it is physically in-transit.
Always watch the screen and respond properly. You also need to double check your properties to make sure that the Display hold instructions and Display transit instructions are checked. This would need to be done in Discharge and Bookdrop.
SAILS runs notices nightly notifying patrons that their available hold has expired.
Manage Hold Shelf Wizard - with this one wizard, you can see and manage everything currently on your holds shelf.
Holds tips
» Blanket Holds Workaround - details on the problem and what you should do as a workaround.
» Expiration date - modifying
» Overriding holds at checkout
» Pickup date - modifying
» Pickup location
» Unsuspending holds - immediately
» Suspending holds
» Viewing available holds at checkout
» Viewing hold expiration date
» Viewing inactive holds
» Searching & Holds
Further information
» RHA report
» Book clubs
» Damaged item arrives to fill a hold
» Missing items with holds
» Aging Holds - holds older than 3 months that could potentially be unavailable or better moved on to a different title. These are not looking at holds that are on the last, unavailable copy of a title. You do need a login to BC Analytics.